The Meat Free Fitness Nutrition Guides are tailored, bespoke diet plans, specifically for vegan and vegetarian men and women, designed to help you achieve your fitness / body goals and reach new heights of health and energy on a plant-based diet.
So whether you're looking to lose weight, add lean muscle, or just feel healthier and more energised, your tailored guide will ensure your plant-based nutrition is optimised to your unique needs to make sure you achieve those goals, and maintain your progress long into the future.
You'll love the Meat Free Fitness Nutrition Guide if:
You're vegan, vegetarian, or you currently eat meat but would like to adopt a meat-free diet.
You want to ensure your nutrition is right to help you reach your goals, whether they're weight loss, increasing strength, improving fitness, or just feeling healthier and more energised.
You'd like a plan that will help you adopt habits to improve your health and fitness long into the future, rather than an unsustainable crash diet, where most people regain any weight lost or muscle they've gained soon after finishing the diet.
You'd like a convenient and cost-effective way of improving your nutrition: All guides are just £75 (less than the price of just one introductory session seeing a nutritionist in person).
Clients from around the world are using the Meat Free Fitness nutrition guides to up their game!
What you'll receive:
A breakdown of the amount of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) you should be eating, and the timings of each, to help you achieve your body and fitness goals.
A food groups table showing you the number of portions of each of the major food groups you should be aiming for each day - an easy to follow approach that's highly effective and makes your plant-based meal planning mega simple.
A two-week meal plan to demonstrate how easy and varied your diet can be while sticking to the targets set out in the food groups table. This is the perfect way to kick start your meat-free fitness journey.
Dozens of recipes for plant-based breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks that are quick, easy, and nutritious. They're tried-and-tested delicious meals that help you meet your food group targets while saving you precious time.
Tips and tricks - lots of diet, lifestyle, and exercise tips and tricks that have proved instrumental for loads of clients, as well as for myself personally.
Micronutrients explained, detailing which ones you should be paying particular attention to with your specific diet and lifestyle. This section is key to making sure you're eating the right stuff to keep you healthy and energised.
Free samples and a discount on Vega Essentials nutritional shakes - my favourite vegan protein shake (Europe only).
Help and support - I'm on standby should any questions come up throughout your journey, to help you stay on track and keep you motivated.
Jolanta training for a North Pole expedition with the help of her Meat Free Fitness nutrition guide
“I’ve tried dozens of crash diets but I don’t feel like I’m even dieting with the MFF guides - it’s all about easy lifestyle changes.”
The Meat Free Fitness nutrition guide helped Marc prepare for (and smash) his CrossFit competition
Louis, Bedfordshire, UK:
Having battled with my weight since the age of 18, I’d tried numerous diets and fads (even hypnotherapy) over the last decade, all of which had no long-term success.
When I decided to become vegan, for both the health and ethical benefits, I was at a loss as to how to ensure I consumed the right amount of ‘stuff’ (I had no clue about micro and macronutrients) needed to stay healthy whilst also, hopefully, losing weight.
I saw TJ give a talk at a Vegan Festival and, seeing how he clearly knew his stuff, decided to give MeatFree Fitness a try. I figured that if it didn’t work, the programme was reasonably priced (significantly less than other programmes) and I’d spent more money on weight loss in the past with no results.
TJ’s guide was truly personalised for me. Whilst he said what the average person should consume, taking my measurements into account he adjusted the calories/portions/grams accordingly. Even the meal plans were personalised - he asked for any foods I dislike and when I received the meal plans, voila; zero mushrooms! Reading the guide I was already impressed and couldn’t wait to get started.
Immediately I found that TJ had nailed it. The portions he was ‘prescribing’ filled me up, the correct balance of nutrients meant I had so much more energy than before, and my tastebuds were so happy. TJ’s recipes are delicious. All of them. Literally. He definitely needs to do publish. I found myself trying dishes I didn’t think I’d like, but wound up loving.
I’ve now lost 15lbs and, so far, it’s staying off. I still have a way to go, but with TJ’s delicious recipes and, most importantly, the correct nutritional intake guided by TJ, I know that this lifestyle will be easy, and even enjoyable, to stick to. Thank you TJ!
Lara, British Columbia, Canada:
The Meat Free Fitness guide really helped me relax my rigid restrictions and learn to trust myself to eat adequately. Before, when I was restricting and bingeing, I would only eat a protein bar for lunch at work and have no snacks. That practice was not enjoyable or satisfying. Now I look forward to a delicious, whole-foods lunch. Excellent self-care! I also no longer fear having an afternoon snack either. My mindset and self esteem is so much better, and in such a short time. I make good food choices because I desire to feel healthy and live a long time. The weight loss and aesthetics changes are nice side effects of course.
James, London, UK:
I've wanted to go vegan for ages but I was always worried that I'd miss some important nutrients - the guide has shown me how easily it can be done and now I'm feeling the healthiest I've ever felt!
Anna, London, UK:
The MFF guide has made me realise how important cooking is and has shown me how quick, easy, and delicious it can be! I've lost half a stone in 6 weeks but unlike with other diets I haven't felt hungry - this time I can tell it's going to last.
Stephen, Brighton, UK:
I've managed to put on lean muscle after having been stuck at the same level for months... thank you so much TJ! :)
Sophie, California, USA:
The Meat Free Fitness guide has genuinely changed my life. I have SO much more energy now - and I look and feel great!